Top 5 Personal Finance Podcasts You Should Listen to in 2023.

Podcasts are fantastic tools to develop yourself or your business. The business has experienced great growth, and this expansion has included podcasts on personal finance and investment.

The good thing is that you can listen to them anywhere and anytime.

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Here are 5 amazing finance podcasts where you can gain actionable insights and improve your financial life, both professionally and personally.

As a financial writer, if I need any information on how to work my finances out,

I will listen to these five podcasts:

  1. Afford Anything, by Paula Pant

Do you want to make smart choices with your finances? This is your go-to podcast. Afford Anything is not a podcast that only talks about money and investing. This is a show about how to think critically, recognize our behavioral blind spots, and make smarter choices.

Paula Pant — Afford Anything

2. The Money Girl by Laura Adams

Laura Adams is the money expert and writer that I love and respect so much. Her podcast, “The Money Girl," provides short and friendly personal finance, real estate, and investing tips to help you live a richer life.

Money Girl by Laura Adams.

3. The Smart Money Tribe by Arese Ugwu

The Smart Money Tribe includes money conversations for African millennial women and focuses on personal finance, business finance, lifestyle, and the economy. Alongside the podcast, Arese Ugwu is the author of “The Smart Money Woman” and “The Smart Money Tribe,” books that share relatable stories on balancing love, life, family, and money.

The Smart Money Tribe by Arese Ugwu

4. Choose FI by Jonathan Mendosa and Brad Barret.

There is no right way or topic with Choose FI. The hosts, Jonathan Mendosa and Brad Barrett, discuss every topic that speeds up the process of getting to financial freedom through their interview-style show.

They manage to have an endless supply of incredible people to interview. In case you’re wondering, the interviewees are just ordinary people gaining extraordinary financial independence, and trust me, every episode leaves you with the “I can” feeling.

Choose FI by Jonathan Mendosa and Brad Barret.

5. Millennial Investing by Robert Leonard and Rebecca Hotsko

Millennial Investing explores various investment opportunities, including real estate, stocks, and ETFs, from a millennial’s perspective. The sole aim of the podcast is to create financial literacy for millennials.

The hosts interview industry leaders with the intention of inspiring listeners to make better financial decisions. The show covers an extensive range of finance topics, ranging from personal finance to the property market.

Millennial Investing by Robert Leonard and Rebecca Hotsko

Listening to a financial podcast daily can really help you make great financial choices, invest smarter, and save more. I hope these shows top your financial podcast list.

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Oluwaseunfunmi Okunowo – Your Writer Next Door

Financial Writer| I help financial brands connect with their audience online by simplifying financial content for those struggling to build wealth capacity. 💰